My most sincere apologies to everyone for not posting in so long. I do not have internet right now, so I'll only be able to post when I can make it down to the Townsend's (many thanks to them for allowing me to use their computer!!!)
Here is what we call our dining room - not much there, but it works for now! :-)...the kitchen... ...the living room...
...another angle of the living room. I'll try to keep this posted as often as I can but for long! :-)
Welcome to our blog! I'm Hannah, and I'll probably do most of the posting here. For those of you who have been familiar with my blog in the past, Tony Elliott and I are now married and have begun life together. I still have my two horses, Estrelita and Montana.
I teach violin and play in our church orchestra in addition to my horse training. We play for services as well as doing special music. It's a great opportunity to serve the Lord and become proficient at playing and blending with others!
Every once in a while I get orders for cake decorating which I also enjoy doing.
My main goal in everything that I do is to honor and glorify Christ, and further His cause for His coming Kingdom - Praise the Lord!